
? Not known 1
A no 51
B yes: POSR-pos.marker POSSD 37
C yes: POSR pos.marker POSSD 8
D yes: POSR-agr/w/posd POSSD 4

Feature NP401: In possessive constructions with a nominal possessor, is the POSSESSOR usually marked? (state most frequent construction; NB: if marking depends on alienability, state marking of possessor in ALIENABLE constructions)

Feature Domain:
NP-Attributive possession
Olga Krasnoukhova
Additional Information:
Terminology: pos.marker = possessive marker which is a free or bound form which indicates possession, and which is morphosyntactically associated with a noun denoting possessor. Pers.pos.pref/suf = personal possessive prefix or suffix, is an affix which encodes person, number and/or gender of a possessor and which appears on the possessed noun. NB: word order of possessor vs. possessed is symbolic, and is specified in a separate section!

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